Embarking On A New ... Way to Laze

In my defense, the last three months or so have been crazy.

August has almost always been a month to catch up, last year not withstanding. Of course, last year's lack of catch-up had nothing to do with previously-made plans.

I'd rather this August stay empty, really.

Anyway! Where was I going with this?

Why am I asking you?

Oh yeah. The last three months have been crazy, which means that now I need to grasp at the chances I have to catch up on reality. This weekend I got to sleep in, clean my apartment, and generally reorganize. While I got a fair amount done, I've only barely scratched into the first few items on my to-do list.

In the midst of this, I've decided to set a new goal for me. A fun goal. One that will ultimately be totally useless if achieved.

All of this build-up makes it sound like it'll actually be interesting.

It's not. I'm hoping to work my way through my movie collection, from "10 Things I Hate About You" to "Zodiac," preferably in order. I already have a tendency to stick a movie in my laptop as I'm trying to sleep ... Now I'm mostly just removing the need to choose.

And, well, watch some of those movies that I keep intending to re-watch and end up passing over because I'd rather stick with something less intense.

On top of this, I have a much stronger chance of doing other things -- like any one of my in-house projects -- if there's something on in the background. I don't have the attention span to clean without some kind of distraction; I almost always get more done if there's either a movie on or if I'm talking to my mom on the phone. So it's a win-win, right? (Especially for my mom, who doesn't have that kind of free time.)

By the end of August, I should be into the Ms and hopefully caught up on everything I want to be before Labor Day.

The real dilemma will be when I get to the series ... I mean, watching the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy will take more concentration and time. Or the confusion the night I get to "Donnie Darko" and "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog."

Oh, if only all of life's problems were that simple.


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