"This Is Only A Test."

I'm trying to get an equipment estimate off to our sales guys this afternoon.

Trying valiantly, I might add.

However, there are plenty of things to distract me, from Emma Jean's bachelorette party next weekend to the now-empty cubicle next door now that Moonie's left the building to work from Waukesha instead.

Not to mention the tests they're doing of our building's emergency broadcast system. That's a wee tad distracting, too. (At least today it's pretty clear that it's not actually an emergency. Yesterday's tornado drill was rather ill-timed.)

I swear, I can post something of substance sometime. At least, I don’t think I've completely lost the ability ... although it appears there's reason to doubt ...


Stickman said…
I couldn't find any contact info of yours, so I'll answer you this way.
I don't know if things are improving.
It's the worst I've ever felt.
It will be a long time before I notice any improvement.
We'll see what happens.

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