Off And Running

This weekend was surprising in a lot of ways. Friday night was surprisingly amusing -- Saturday was surprisingly interesting (even though weddings are always at least moderately interesting) -- Sunday was surprisingly relaxing. I got to watch a summer storm from BG's house in the middle of a field on Saturday night, and the next day I got to drive home, taking a route along the Mississippi River.


The point behind all of this is that it's a good thing the weekend was unexpectedly refreshing. This week I'm looking at a yoga class, three dance classes, a concert on the Square, gorgeous weather that will rob me of concentration and ambition, and a visiting Admiral (again). Oh, and I have to clean my house and pack for a week of vacation. While trying to put in ample hours so I can still get out of town at a decent time Friday.

Oddly enough, instead of just feeling tired, I'm looking forward to all the madness. Maybe it has something to do with the fun that will follow, or the fact that there will be plenty of fun had in the meantime. None of the above (except the cleaning) is unpleasant, and for that matter I'm working on some (surprisingly) interesting stuff here. Besides, as long as my attention doesn't meander too much, I should be able to get everything done, at least on a passable level.

And then I get to go for another long drive. Just me, Sophie, and the road, aiming back for those Wide Open Spaces  I've been missing.

Life is good. Perhaps a little manic -- but good.


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