More Junk.

Okay: whining about being busy isn't a valid post. Unfortunately, this one won't be either. Maybe between the two I'll strike "mostly valid" for today.

1. First of all, happy birthday, Mom! Dang, you're old.

2. I'm just kidding.

3. I mean it. Don't make me sleep in my car when I come to visit, okay?

4. But happy birthday anyway.

5. Yeah.

6. A piece of advice: never tell your boss you're bored. I know it's common sense, but we all slip up from time to time -- just don't make that slip.

7. For the first time in, oh, 18 years or so, I seem to be going through a pink phase. I'm not sure what that means, but it's throwing me off.

8. "She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen..."

9. Managers are never found when you're looking for them. And when you really don’t want to see them they'll pop up in your cubicle every half hour. I think it's part of manager training.

10. Or maybe they're born that way...

11. My house still needs to be cleaned. I'm not very good at being a grown-up sometimes.

12. I really can't wait for this weekend...

13. Generally speaking, would you rather spend a day indoors doing something fun or outdoors doing something productive?

14. xkcd was right ... Online package tracking makes you crazy.

15. I need to remember to call my grandparents.

16. And Katie. (Right, Katie?)

17. Is it summer yet? I'm having a hard time telling the difference.


Lee Ryan said…
#6: ooooh. ouch.
#9: yes. right after the class entitled "igoring advice of subordinates" and right before "pinning blame on subordinates". It's standard management curriculum.
#10: let's just say some people are cut out for the job.
#11: you probably wouldn't feel quite so bad if you compared your house to mine.
#17: what is the difference? (oh wait! I can't complain like that anymore...)
daz said…
thanks i now have that sole line from the Cake stuck in my head :-P

think i've seen some tango class advertisements here....that would be entertaining as i'd have no clue whats going on times 2, lol
daz said…
oh and this comic made me think of you and the cards we like to send each other :-P

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