It's distinctly possible I've crossed a strange barrier into having too many hobbies.

This occurred to me last night. After nine-plus hours of work, I went to an hour-long yoga class. Dashed home in between to check the mail and change clothes, and then I was off to an hour of swing dancing. And from there, I decided I wanted a beer and some general entertainment so I went to Red Eye. I got home late, but with enough time to finish up Emma Jean's mending (which I left at home this morning ... Sorry, dear) before I crashed for the night.

Tonight, I'm having pizza and beer with some friends (while looking over handmade jewelry), then I'll go to tango. After that, who knows. Tomorrow will likely be a long day of work -- and I'll follow it up with waltz.

Okay, so maybe it's not too many hobbies so much as a large increase in the amount of time I spend dancing. At least this week.

However, this is only because Zumba is currently paused and I'm lacking the proper equipment to transport my kayak easily.

Have I mentioned that I don't hold still well? Because it's true.


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