Schedules & Weather. Not Interesting.

While I am a planner, it bugs me to have every minute of my day scheduled.

However, it appears I am entirely out of free time between now and ... Oh, mid-June. And that's something I find just a little unsettling.

With the exception of tonight. Tonight, I need to get some work done and -- with any luck -- eat a decent meal for once. (It's been a weird couple of weeks as far as food's concerned.)

But that's tonight. Today, it rains. Not a drizzle, not a downpour ... Just rain. The kind of rain that sounds soothing until you step outside. The kind of rain that doesn't drench you but it does make you uncomfortably damp for fifteen minutes after you get inside. That kind of rain.

I'm not complaining. There are certainly worse days to be stuck inside at a desk.


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