
24 hours and I'll be in the Oklahoma City airport.

Not for long, mind you. I have a short layover there on my circuitous route to Colorado. Why? Because I don't like to pay full price for plane tickets, especially when I have more than sufficient miles to cover one.

Although this is quickly turning into a "Today I went to JCPenney" post, I'd also like to add that I got a fantastic new hair cut yesterday that's going to take some adjusting. My hair is officially the shortest it's been in 22 years.

No joke -- that's when I started growing it out. While it's been getting steadily shorter for the last two years ["I can extrude hair, but I can't retract it." ... Name that reference's reference.] it's still been two decades since the back of my neck has routinely seen sunlight. Which it will now because I usually tie my hair back when I'm outside and then -- tada -- it's too short to cover.

Hopefully I remember to use sunscreen this weekend or I'm doomed.


Lee Ryan said…
hummm..it will take some looking to find the reference(s) for your quote.

Don't forget the sun screen: yeah. I've got short hair, but thankfully no real bald spot. I can still get by without a hat. But since moving out to CA, I've gotten torched on occasion when I didn't consider what to do about skin protection.
Tua Sorella said…
Is it xkcd "quoting" Summer Glau?

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