More From China

From the Ming Tombs ...

These posts are each a solid single piece.

On the Wall.

Tee hee!

("Toilet: Not on the Wall itself. Gotcha.")

From a tower.

A couple of miles of Wall.

Um ... What?

The view from my hotel room. (I took waaaay too many pictures of that line of buildings...)

That park in the picture above? That's where this temple-like thing was hidden. Just a cool little aside in a city park.


Lee Ryan said…
Wow. Looks like an awesome trip! I'm soo jealous!
Ashley said…
The funny part is ... those were all from the last day I was there. The rest of the time I was hanging out in smoggy cities or on refineries. Just slightly less picturesque.
Lee Ryan said…
Oh well. At least you got those pictures. Was the food any good?
Ashley said…
Some of it was fantastic -- and some of it might have been better if I could have identified what I was eating. I did determine that cafeteria food's gross no matter what country you're in.
Lee Ryan said…
Ha! On the other hand - maybe it is sometimes best if you don't know (at least beforehand) what you're eating. :-)
Ashley said…
And sometimes it was! I learned quickly -- "When in doubt, take a cue from the locals." Except as one of the locals pointed out, the Chinese eat everything. Lunch was a minefield.

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