
As luck (good or bad, it's still luck) would have it, I am going to China on Tuesday. Assuming, of course, no one else changes his or her mind between now and then -- but being that tickets are being purchased and reservations made, it seems far more likel.

Yes, I love travel. Yes, I've been looking forward to China. Yes, I want to get this system started up (my first one ever).

No, I don't want to go this week.

There are several reasons (most having to do with the number of people with whom I've cancelled plans in the last twelve hours), but it boils down to one thing: I am a planner. When my plans get interrupted, I get cranky. And when eight or nine different plans (of varying scales from "missing a couple Zumba classes" to "driving 500 miles for a long weekend") get interrupted, I get downright furious. Especially when these things come to light on a Saturday morning.

Oh, I was yelling earlier today.

However -- like usual -- that calm, pragmatic engineer voice is catching up a bit and I'm getting back to business. I don't anticipate much sleep in the next 72 hours or so as it seems I'm not ready for anything. My house isn't ready, my work load isn't ready, my wardrobe could use some help (and argh, I'm going to have to check luggage for the first time in two years), I need to finish my taxes, and I just went grocery shopping (argh again). There are other things going on before I leave that I'm refusing to cancel so there are a few hours gone right there.

But hey -- it's China. So that's cool. Right?


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