A Place To Wander

When I first moved here -- the very first hour, actually -- I got lost downtown.

There was construction going on and because of that there were three one-way streets in a row that all went north.

I, of course, wanted to go south.

Downtown has lost most of its confusion now. A few times exploring on foot and I knew which streets actually did go north or south (more go north than south), which ones dead-ended into the mall (same reason more go north), where to find coffee, where to find lunch, where you can find live music on the weekends. Which stores lasted and which ones wouldn't. Where to find a Pepsi vending machine.

You know -- the essentials.

When I moved across town, the biggest advantages were all about proximity. Closer to work, closer to friends, closer to the places we frequented -- and walking distance to downtown.

It was a glorious change.

On a day like today, one with exceptionally great weather, the fifteen minute walk almost goes by too quickly. But at the end? A great cup of coffee, a random geocache, a wander through a fantastic flower shop, and chocolate.

I can't wait for spring.


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