Merry Christmas -- And I Apologize

'Twas the night before Christmas and in this family's home
It was quiet and still, two of the kids left alone
Christmas had taken a turn, unexpected and strange
And the family was split with great geographical range

These two had come home to celebrate with Dad and Mom
Traveled good distance to partake in the calm
But Mom and Dad had left early for their China flight
Their original plan moved up by three nights.

They did their own Christmas morning, quiet and swift
Then said their I-love-yous, their see-you-laters and left
They'd wait out the storm closer to the airport this way
And must find happiness in being safe Christmas Day

The snow started to fall and the wind to blow
And they all realized this was how it had to go
Only every twenty-some years would a storm like this strike
They were lucky, really -- they could get out as they liked

Now the oldest sat by herself, composing a [mediocre] poem
Surrounded by all the comforts of home
They were separated, sure, but they were all safe and warm
As stories filtered in from others out in the storm

She had friends stuck in airports and motels, unable to leave
In far-off cities and small town traps, stranded Christmas Eve
"It could be worse," she thought as she wrote,
"It's not great, but none of us are alone."

She thought of friends in Kansas and Texas, Pennsylvania and Utah
Colorado, California, North Carolina and Minnesota
One friend was in Iraq, sent out two weeks ago
Others in England, still digging out of the snow

Her own sister in China, celebrating in Shanghai
She'd be joined by their parents in a few days' time
There were who knows how many others off in strange places
And as she wrote she could picture a parade of faces

Aunts and uncles, friends from college, those back in Wisconsin,
Friends back home, high school friends, and all sorts of cousins
Many and varied they danced through her mind
And she found herself hoping they were happy this Christmastime

As she and her brother watched a movie and chatted
She smiled at the reminder that things really weren't all that bad
This would be a Christmas to talk about for years to come
For all that had been affected by this massive storm

She settled in and decided to enjoy the evening
Since Monday would soon come and with it routine
For now, it was time to relax and remember what she had
Her brother to help celebrate -- and blessings like mad

So she smiled and hit publish, looking out at the storm
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all -- stay warm."


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