I finally raked my yard yesterday.
Well, not completely. It was a bit like trying to brush a feral dog's fur -- just when you think you're getting somewhere, you hit a snag and he tries to bite you.
Okay, maybe not, but how could I pass up the chance to use a feral dog analogy?
In any case, until Friday it seemed silly to even attempt it because only one of my four trees was naked and the wind hadn't really started. Unfortunately, by Saturday I had a foot-high leaf drift on my front sidewalk. Time to get it at least half cleaned up.
All in all it was an interesting weekend. Saturday's movie marathon was fantastic (albeit a little depressing and I had some really freaky dreams, but good all the same) and then I got to wander a corn maze with three zombies. Yesterday I made some actual headway with house stuff, did some Christmas shopping ... and got a call from Calvert, who got a new job and is currently en route to Oklahoma.
His life is infinitely more interesting than mine at the moment. I think I'm okay with that.
This weekend? The last wedding of the year. For a cousin, so it's also a family get-together. And Shorty's bringing the girlfriend.
Poor, poor girl. I feel kind of sorry and mildly protective of her already.