Questions For The Week
Why are mustaches inherently creepier on men under forty?
Why do I continue to watch new romantic comedies even when I see a preview and think, "Egads. What are they thinking?"
Should I cave in and get internet service again?
When I was in high school, would it have made a difference in my life choices if I too had gone on a chem-e job shadow?
Are the Salvation Army bell ringers out early this year, or was I just not paying enough attention last year?
What goes well with gorgonzola?
Where did Hubba go?
How is it I can hear someone eating from four cubicles away but I can't always hear my own phone ringing? Is that a reflection on my hearing -- or that person's eating habits?
Do I, too, have some genetic mutation that leads to surprisingly resilient telomeres?
Who in the world would think up a Sigmund Freud action figure ... and can I justify buying one? How about the Marie Antoinette action figure with the removable head?
Why am I shopping for random action figures?
How effective is the H1N1 vaccine, really?
Seriously, folks. Some insight on any of these would be appreciated.