Questions For The Week

Why are mustaches inherently creepier on men under forty?

Why do I continue to watch new romantic comedies even when I see a preview and think, "Egads. What are they thinking?"

Should I cave in and get internet service again?

When I was in high school, would it have made a difference in my life choices if I too had gone on a chem-e job shadow?

Are the Salvation Army bell ringers out early this year, or was I just not paying enough attention last year?

What goes well with gorgonzola?

Where did Hubba go?

How is it I can hear someone eating from four cubicles away but I can't always hear my own phone ringing? Is that a reflection on my hearing -- or that person's eating habits?

Do I, too, have some genetic mutation that leads to surprisingly resilient telomeres?

Who in the world would think up a Sigmund Freud action figure ... and can I justify buying one?  How about the Marie Antoinette action figure with the removable head?

Why am I shopping for random action figures?

How effective is the H1N1 vaccine, really?

Seriously, folks. Some insight on any of these would be appreciated.


JustMe said…
It may be a little sick, but I think the Marie Antoinette action figure with the removable head would be an awesome gag gift for the right person...
Janette said…
You have to get the Marie Antoinette action figure. I can't believe you even asked. Also, I think you should definitely invest in internet, the eating thing is his fault, and honey goes well with gorgonzola (as does bacon and pasta).

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