Livin' It Up

Well, it's been a few days, and for good reason: I'm living it up in western South Dakota, and I have to say, I'm loving every minute of it.

Heck, for about 48 hours there, I didn't even have Internet access. It was awesome.

The Mines career fair is going on today -- which led to a few more random run-ins than I had anticipated. People I graduated with are recruiting now; a few are back to look for a job after getting laid off in the last year. I've been more and more grateful to be gainfully employed ... which is really easy when you're on vacation.

And the Hills ... Wow, have I missed this. Gorgeous.

Now, I sit at the Blends once again, thankful also for wireless and a working laptop ... and for blueberry muffins ... and mochas ... and random coffee with friends.

Life is good.


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