More Things

Twelve Things I've Done This Weekend

1. Thoroughly enjoyed having a drink with just a few friends.

2. Contemplated becoming the Cat Lady (see previous post).

3. Load upon load of laundry.

4. Dressed up and attended the Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser, the Big Taste. Awesome, awesome event!

5. Purchased a cordless drill, finally.

6. Intentionally put myself into several awkward situations.

7. Acquired all the necessary ingredients for a cake walk cake. Including finally buying a cake carrier.

8. Hibernated and watched movies. ("Coraline," "The Philadelphia Story" and "The Shawshank Redemption" so far...)

9. Cleaned my living room.

10. Messed it up again.

11. Lectured myself at least once each for the following: being too messy, being lazy, being a sissy (yeah, that's a fun one), trying too hard to please people, not calling my mother when I intend to, not calling my grandparents when I intend to, putting myself in awkward situations for no real purpose, being nosy, and judging fellow Cat Ladies when there's no reason.

12. Enjoyed the unseasonably cool weather ... even if it's making the leaves turn already. (Yikes.)


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