
The mugging continues today. Or by now does it just qualify as an habitual beating?

By this time Thursday the worst will be over. If not I'll be cowering under my desk.

"What's that whimpering sound coming from Ashley's cube? I didn't see anyone in there."

"She's crying under her desk. I think it's been a long week."

"What the heck does she have to cry about? I thought she didn't have anything to do."

"Well, she didn't. Until Friday afternoon."


On the bright side, every now and then something magically disappears. "Wait, why are we giving them that? We don't need to give them that. Let's not waste time on it."

I like those moments. Particularly when they mean I might get out of here before 7:30 tonight. That is just too damn long to spend in a cubicle.

Besides, I have other things I want to do tonight. Like buy a new DVD player. Stop by Bull Falls (the microbrewery just a few blocks from my house). Do some Vegas research now that the bride's hotel preference has shifted. Finish the skirt I started piecing together this past weekend. Try to get Skype downloaded.

I think that's probably enough for one evening.


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