Left In The Dark

After my post yesterday I found today's Taurus horoscope amusing: "You've always found intense people extremely interesting -- not to mention exciting. Someone who answers that description will be along shortly. Your job is to take your time getting to know them so that you'll know if they're just dangerous in the exciting way or dangerous in a truly dangerous way. The good news is that rushing you isn't an easy task, so you won't be pushed into anything you're not comfortable with."


My project at work just got cancelled -- by the client, or at least by the client's management. Everybody I've been working with for the last six months -- here and there, project managers and lowly minions alike -- was caught off guard. I think the term "pulled the rug out from under us" is most accurate. And then "smacked us in the back of the head on the way down."

It's not a good feeling.

As a matter of fact, it sucks.

I was trying to talk myself out of it -- "This kind of thing happens all the time" -- only to realize that no, it doesn't happen all the time. Earlier in the process, sure. During sales. Shortly after a couple of times. Sometimes things get put on hold. But not this far into a project -- not completely cancelled.


And so I add that to the list of nutty things that have happened this year and start cleaning up my files in the event that someone changes his or her mind in a couple of months and I have to pick up where I'm leaving off.

I'm tired and I don't really want to deal with this today.

I'd rather be sleeping. Or thinking about ... Vegas. Or September in general. Or things to do this weekend.

Not sitting here with a growing headache sorting through all of the junk on my desk.

Not a good day.


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