
It was a nutty weekend. A lot happened. I'm tired and I could probably fill pages with what I was thinking about on my return trip. But for now, I'll spare you the ramblings of my brain and tell you one truly crazy story from the drive itself.

I had just turned north onto I-35 (headed toward Minneapolis) when a car came up behind me in the left lane, just a couple of miles an hour faster than me.

It was a nondescript, champagne-colored sedan (maybe an Impala?), moderately new, with a normal-looking driver. Nothing that would normally stand out. But he was hauling something on the top of his car. Something in a blue tarp. Something with four hoofed feet sticking out on the right side.

I'm curious by this point -- they're not sticking out like a freshly dead animal, but more like a large animal statue. Strange. So I slow down a bit so he can pass ... and I find myself watching a full taxidermied zebra go by, head sticking out of the tarp on the back. Staring at me.

Which makes me wonder...



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