A Familial Aside

My post yesterday about my little brother sent me off on an interesting nostalgic path. I don't often talk about my family here, but today I think I need to write more.

I've talked about my parents before but a conversation with my mother spurred some more thoughts on how awesome they really are.

My mother is in a fairly unique situation: in addition to her whiz kid son, she has two daughters, one who is 23 and the other who is almost 25, and they are both single. Not just single in the legal sense (which, in case you're wondering, simply means we have never been married) but single in every usual sense of the word.

There are all sorts of reasons -- neither of us are into casual things; Mia Sorella was a liberal arts major and as such met few men (and now isn't in an ideal situation to be meeting people); I don't meet many single guys anymore and besides that I'm scared of commitment -- but the bottom line is the same. Neither of us are attached, and neither of us are in a big hurry to "fix" that.

I got a couple of not-terribly-tactful questions on Thursday that set me to wondering what my mom thinks about that. So at the end of an otherwise normal phone conversation with her yesterday, I asked.

The question kind of came out of nowhere. And the first question wasn't about what she thought, but whether she gets weird questions. She said no, that first people would be required to know what was going on in her daughters' lives. But when I asked her if it ever bothered her, she didn't hesitate -- "Well, no. Why would it?"

She added that she's not exactly in a huge rush to be a grandma, and while that might change down the road ("I'm a woman; I get to change my mind" ), at the moment she's pretty cool with her daughters' lives.

This is one of the things that reminds me just how much my mom rocks.


Katie said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


for your birthday, I shall highly recommend "In Defense of Food, an Eater's Manifesto". Superb.

A toast to a fellow wordie/foodie/general life learner! Thanks for the inspiration :)

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