New Personal Record

I just realized ... I set a new personal record.

I set a record for consecutive days lived in one place (as an adult).

I had to stop and count -- and suddenly it was no wonder. I have, since my eighteenth birthday, moved a total of thirteen times. That's an average of about once every 28 weeks (six and a half months). The last stretch was about twelve and a half months, with a "fuzzy month" at the end where I technically had two addresses.

At the beginning of last March, that fuzziness started when I moved to the bottom floor of this old house. As of this month, the time I've spent in this awesome apartment overtook the time I spent in my last, nice-but-slightly-less-awesome apartment.

It sounds like a silly landmark, but for someone who doesn't hold still well this is a pretty big accomplishment. I'm just excited I found a place I still like this much after a year.



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