Thursday Already?!

My whirlwind adventure is over -- has been for over a week now. So why don't I feel calm and collected?

Oh yeah. "Real life."

I'm headed out in about ten minutes to pick up the Brit and his girlfriend (who just arrived yesterday from England and will be in the States for a few months) so we can join the rest of The Crowd for dinner. And as soon as I'm done there, I'll hopefully be dashing out to go hang out with a few other friends who don't yet have blog code names.

Did you know you can make jet lag work for you? Not just as an excuse (a good one, I'll have you know), but if you, say, have been coming into work later than you used to and you want to adjust that. When you start spontaneously waking up two hours earlier than usual, you can get to work much earlier.

It's been handy. Particularly since Daylight Saving starts on Sunday.

I won't get into that. I find DS kind of silly.

In any case, I've been leaving work a little earlier this week ... which has been necessary in a lot of respects because I'm still catching up on everything. I'm kind of tired and ready for a weekend.

If I'm really good, it could even be a weekend off the grid ... Oh, what a glorious thought ...


daz said…
i'm thinking i desperately need a weekend off the grid, especially before i'm going to be with the same people for 10 days. heck right now i think i'd settle for just half a day off the grid :-S

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