Nothing Like Starting The Day With An Adventure

The downside to living in a house:

Apartment complexes get plowed, salted, and whatever as necessary. Our sidewalks have fallen into seasonal disrepair. They haven't been adequately shoveled, at least not the ones leading up to our front doors. (The long one in front has been, chiefly because we're required to keep that one in shape.)

However, once it starts to thaw, it doesn't matter how clear said sidewalks are ... because they're the low points in the yard. All of that water trickles down and pools in the middle of the walks, freezing overnight into super-slick solid chunks of ice. Then, when they start to melt again, these super-slick solid chunks end up with an inch of water on top, making them even more slick.

Oh, and they slope to the middle. So if you're trying to walk on the far side (but not in the snow) ... you slide right back into the puddle in the middle.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that my walk to the car this morning was an adventure.


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