An Unproductive Rant, Of Sorts

What a completely unshocking start to the week.

Not a productive day. Not an unproductive day. I mean, I made it to work. But I left work almost four hours ago and still haven't accomplished anything I intended.

Days like these that feel like total wastes.

Last week I stayed busy from beginning to end. If I wasn't busy, I was at least entertained. [Speaking of which, last week I rented "The Women." Not a great movie, but not a bad one either. It is, however, quite possibly the chick flickiest chick flick of them all. As soon as it was over I turned on "Sum of All Fears" just so I could feel a little more normal. Even now that I'm just thinking about it I almost want to turn on another violent guy movie to bring things back into balance. Maybe "Vantage Point" this time.] I accomplished things. I was useful.

This week has not gotten off on the right foot, though. Yesterday was ... we'll call it leisurely. I did things, but nothing "useful." Today? Bah humbug.

Tomorrow will have to be better, or I might cry.


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