A Day In My Life

Only three short years ago, a day in my life consisted of getting up earlier than I wanted, going to class earlier than I wanted, attending meetings, doing homework, probably taking a quiz or a test, eating dinner with my guys or at least hanging out at their house for awhile, spending a minimum of half an hour on the phone -- and then crashing for a few hours so I could do it all over again.

My life was hectic, but perfect.

Two years ago, I was sleeping in as late as I felt, watching cable TV, painting the kitchen at my parents' house, and waiting for that phone call that told me what I would be doing for the rest of my life. This was my time in limbo, my time to adjust to no longer being in college, my time to sort through things -- physically and mentally. My life was relaxed and maybe a little strangely stressful -- but perfect.

Eighteen months ago, I was getting up moderately early, putting in my solid eight hours, and then trying to find things to do for the rest of the day. A lot of off-work time was spent at the B, or wandering around parks, or going out to eat, or watching movies at my apartment. Some nights I would be up late, talking to people on the phone or MSN, and some nights I would go to bed early either because I was tired from an evening spent hiking ... or I was bored. My life didn't seem very exciting, but I can now see that I was slowly building up a self-reliance I didn't previously have.

A year ago, I was getting up at the same time, putting in eight hours, and finding one thing after another to do after work. Our group was growing and there were so many things to do. My life was back to being hectic, and I was learning to enjoy my town a lot more.

Now, I go to work a little later in the morning. I put in at least eight hours -- sometimes more, depending on the week -- and then I spend my evenings all over the place. Classes at church, tango lessons, dinner nights, here and there a party of some sort. Some nights I declare mine and I stay home and watch a movie or read. My life has more structure than it did a year or two ago, but it's also more flexible than it was. On weekends, I stay in town and get caught up on chores or take a road trip elsewhere and catch up with friends.

My life is full, and I love it. Maybe it's not perfect, maybe I still feel the tug of something missing from time to time -- but for now it is what I need it to be.

Life is good.


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