A Terribly Self-Involved Update

I am out of bread. Again.

I don’t like to buy my bread, so this can be problematic. Alas, I finished off what I acquired over Thanksgiving (which is a good thing because it'd all be stale by now anyway) so now my house is bread-less. Or my apartment is, anyway. M-Kay probably has bread.

No bread means more creative lunches, which means I was done eating several minutes ago.

I need to finish my Christmas decorating before next weekend's party, and I need to take pictures so all of you can see the fun. I'm rather proud of what's already up -- I love decorating.

I spilled my tea in Emma Jean's cube this morning.

Actually, all of today has been rather helter-skelter. I ended up cutting up nametags for tomorrow's Christmas party, running some calcs for a project revamp, giving a quick lesson on spreadsheet locks in Excel, and digging up old relief valve info.

I need to go grocery shopping. My next chance is Monday after work. Uh-oh.

I love snow, but I hope it holds off for the next few days. Don't want to anger the postman by not shoveling the sidewalks fast enough. Plus it's no fun to drive through.

No random chocolate today. I might just be a little relieved about that.

I think I know why I can't focus on anything today.


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