Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

To my parents and sibs -- well, I'm hanging out with you in good ol' SoDak, so never mind.

To my grandparents out on the ranch, and all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins (Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Minneapolis, Houston, North Carolina, Salt Lake City, California, general western SoDak) -- merry Christmas, and I hope to hear from you or -- *gasp!* -- see you at some point in 2009!

To Ashli, Barb, Bri, Dani, and Jessie -- the greatest girls I know and, not coincidentally, people I both stay in touch with and occasionally see -- merry Christmas and happy 2009!

To my guys -- Darren, Chris, Matt, and Justin -- I miss you guys. I hope for the best for all of you and to see you all at some point in the not-too-distant future. (And to Chris in particular -- good luck, and let me know how this newest adventure goes!)

To the Stormers -- I miss you (and Storm) all dearly, and I will be out before this time next year. Merry Christmas, and happy 2009!

(To the '04 Storm crowd -- it's been awhile. I'm not even sure where half of you are anymore. Have a great Christmas and New Year's, and happy 2009.)

(And Emilie -- have a great semester!)

To Katie & Joe -- you two and your adventures in RC continue to awe and inspire. Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2009.

To all of those Techies out there (in particular Bridget & Evan, Andy & Kajda, Colt, Josh, and the IV crowd) -- merry Christmas, stay warm, and I hope for the best of everything for you in '09.

To the Bruces, the Kinds, and the Kochs -- have a blessed Christmas and a fantastic, hope-filled 2009.

To all my friends back in Wausau (and E-Train) -- merry Christmas and I'll see you soon.

To my Sunnycrest family -- if I don't catch you this week, hi. And whether or not I have, merry Christmas!

To Paul, Abby, and Andi -- thanks for sticking by me for another year of blogdom, and I look forward to keeping up with your adventures in '09. Paul, I hope you get to feeling much better -- and that 2009 goes a bit more smoothly in that department. Andi -- merry Christmas from our house to you and your parents and sister!


Stickman said…
i am feeling better already!
although, i was a tiny bit sick on christmas day, which explained the lack of my christmas wish list. but i am better now. another doctor's appointment coming soon!
Katie said…
Hi Thanks!!! Adventures have been a bit few and far between but I'm still having fun and learning lots!

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