Home For The Holidays

There's something different about being here than anywhere else. Maybe it's the people. Maybe it's because this is where I grew up. Maybe it's the proximity of a city of decent size.

Maybe it's because there's a never-ending supply of coffee.

Said supply seems to be causing issues, though. All of the sudden I couldn't stop cleaning. Why doesn't that ever happen at my own house?

Anyway! Tonight, some high-quality time with Dad's side of the family. Or at least some time. I haven't seen one of his brothers (and my associated cousins) for over a year, so that'll be cool.

In the meantime, I'm trying to keep the fire in the fireplace going and watching "Ace of Cakes" with my brother. There are occasions where I miss cable ... Oddly enough, it usually involves the Food Network.

This is the way a vacation is meant to be spent. At long last, I'm getting that rest I've missed the last four or five times I've been on vacation. Which is good, considering it'll probably be another three or four trips before I get another chance like this.

Have a good night, folks, and stay warm.


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