Home Again, Home Again...

My Yahoo! horoscope for today:

Your life is more intertwined with other people's lives than you realize right now, so don't think that your actions won't have domino-like repercussions. The choices you make, from how much eau de cologne to put on in the morning to where you do your grocery shopping, has an impact on other people. So be cautious about where you vent your frustrations -- and how you vent them. If small things make a difference, then big things like anger could do a lot of damage.

The drive back yesterday took less than seven hours.

That was a new record, actually. I was never outrunning traffic, but I also only stopped once and the weather was perfect for driving.

I came home to several fresh inches of snow and some half-melted ice. Whee.

Tonight, I need to start cleaning my bedroom so that I can move my new chair into its proper place. Unfortunately, that's the one room that has been neglected beyond reason since I moved in. I have a lot of work to do. At least now I have the motivation.

Also need to unpack ... I got home last night and hauled everything in, put away my perishables, and went to bed. Somehow I just didn't have it in me to do any more than that.

Alas, I have a lot of work to do this week to get myself on track for 2009. It's gonna be a fun one.


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