The Day After

I got furniture for Christmas!

It was totally unexpected and awesome, but Mom remembered that I was looking for a chair for my haven in my apartment. A big comfy one, more specifically. And now I have one.


In any case, Christmas has been fantastic. Very relaxing. I've been terrorizing the cat (Edgar) with the blue Jeep Mia Sorella got me ... and then luring him into more terror with the laser pointer Mia Sorella and I bought for the family to play with the cat. (I didn't know until she told me that pet stores sold pet-safe laser pointers. How cool is that?)

And ... my mother bought my father/siblings a Wii.

I'm still pretty sure she's lost her mind -- but it's been so much fun already. It's crazy.

Anyway, just checking in. Pictures soon, hopefully. Have a good evening, folks!


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