Only A Couple More ...

Two more last night in the forty-five minutes I was home.

I was reasonably cordial with the first guy, although I told him I didn't appreciate being asked a rude question. Nicer than I was to the third person on Saturday.

And the last guy ... Well, I opened the door, saw his fliers, and closed the door again.

Not very nice of me. But I was really, really tired of hearing that stuff. And I already have enough fliers from the people who left them in my door while I was gone. Seriously -- the waste of paper is astonishing, largely because these aren't small fliers, either.

Anyway! It's almost over. Then we just have to deal with our choice for the next four years. Or eight. Hopefully it works out well for us (although the last sixteen years aren't giving me a lot of hope).

I am a political cynic. Duh, hm?


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