Grammar Attack!

Yesterday I drove by a voting center where the sign outside told me to cast my ballet there. I didn't have the heart to tell them that my pirouette is terrible, so I just kept driving.

Errors everywhere ...

A blogged article about Chevy Chase yesterday cited his portrayal of Gerald Ford on SNL and how that changed Ford's public face ... except the author left that all important "l" out of the word public.

Then I had a discussion with my mother about Tourette's syndrome, which is not to be confused with turrets.

And then there were a few gems during the meeting that just ended twenty minutes ago -- including "pitcher" versus "picture" (which is one of my pet peeves) and "heighth" versus "height."

I'm done nitpicking. Or rather, I'm done until something comes along to really drive me nuts. Shouldn't be long now.


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