Going Girly (A Truly Self-Centered Post)

There's been an interesting shift in the last year or so.

I think it started with the women's Christmas event at church last year, or at least that's the first time I remember it being a "thing" in my life. It was all about decorating and entertaining for the holidays -- centerpieces, wreaths, hors d'oevres. And it was a blast.

Then I started buying things. Things like glass vases, decorative trays, fun serving plates, and candles. (Candles in excess, but that's another topic.)

The next thing that happened was because I went to a wedding and felt oddly underdressed. I started shopping for dresses without actually needing one -- never buying, only shopping. I was looking at shoes because they were cute, not because they were practical. (And I re-realized that my mother did manage to instill a weakness for shoes in me.)

Then -- then the Arbonne phase started. Suddenly I was paying a lot more attention to makeup and all manner of beauty products.

I'm starting to act more like a girl.

I suppose it's about time. After the five years of estrogen deprivation that is Tech, it was bound to come back to me. And now that I have disposable income and a place of my own, it seems more natural that I'd want things to look nice.

The thing is, I'm not stopping at "nice." I'm going out of my way to make things -- gasp! -- seasonal. I spend more time at Michael's each week than I do grocery shopping. (Not more money, thankfully, but more time.) I've been willing to take up any possible craft to recreate looks in a cheaper, more Ashley-like way. I mean, I paint more now than I ever have in my entire life.

I have a collection of ribbon.

I know! It's crazy, isn't it?

I'd start laying blame (on Megan and Ree, to start), but the truth is that I kind of like it. I like when my place is comfortable and inviting. I like my colorful living room. I like my oddly elegant dining room. I like that I'm finally starting to take care of myself (and that I can still get ready to go in record time every morning).

I still prefer hiking to shopping. I still prefer my beer dark and my coffee black. I still would rather have a deep conversation about calculus than about anything related to Brad Pitt. Not all of the girly stereotypes apply yet, nor will they ever (which is probably something I can thank Megan and Ree for, since neither of them is a stereotypical girl). I’m just finally getting in touch with that long-neglected side of me that has been desperate for some attention and a little indulgence.

I think it's about time, don't you?


Anonymous said…
apparently i should check in more often. still being at tech, this is the last post i expected :) i'll have to send you some candles we've made morking bees this year.
Anonymous said…
Hey now I want to visit! someplace cozy it sounds. Do you have a fireplace?

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