Twelve More Things

This list goes hand-in-hand with the guilty pleasures list, although it's a little different. Slightly. Enough. There are few -- if any -- surprises, however.

Twelve Things That Calm Me
1. Dark chocolate.
Really, that's all that needs to be said about that one.
2. Wine.
3. Christmas music.
It's odd, but I occasionally pull out Christmas music in random months because yes, it calms me.
4. Almost any bookstore or library.
B&N, Borders, used stores -- I love them. My goal: to see the City of Books in Portland, Oregon.
5. Snow.
Provided I'm not out driving in it (because sometimes that is the furthest thing from relaxing), I love -- love -- snow. It's beautiful. And silent.

6. Thunderstorms.
Rain in almost any form is mesmerizing, as long as it doesn't come with wind. But when it comes with a light show? I can watch for hours.

7. People-watching in airports.
I like getting a layover of about an hour and a half -- that gives me ample time to find my next gate, find some food, and sit back and watch.

8. Writing.
This blog is my escape from the engineering world in which I live. I also have three different journals, each of which serves a different purpose, and bits and pieces of a novel in the making.

9. Campfires.
There are few greater joys in life than staring into a campfire. Oh, how I miss camp ...
10. Baking.
When I was still in school and got really stressed out, I would bake bread. Something about kneading dough just ... helped. Now I usually only bake when I need bread (I don’t buy loaves at the store) or if I'm bringing dessert to a party, but there are still those times where I need to let off steam.

11. Black coffee with espresso.
This one backfires if I have too much of it (caffeine jitters!!) but I love redeyes/depth charges. This is my choice poison instead of hot chocolate on a chilly day. (Or with a book next to a fireplace on a snowy day at #12. That combination is just as good as a tranquilizer.)

12. Storm Mountain.
Just being there makes all the difference. It's incredible.


daz said…
let me know when you head to the city of books, as i'd like to go back.

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