Thoughts On A Friday Afternoon

Whew. It's Friday. Already. Or is it finally? I can never tell.

Statistically speaking, July is my worst month for posting. I'm serious -- until this year, I averaged 3.8 posts in the month of July. This year I brought that up to 5.2.

Yes. I keep track of these things.

In any case, it's August now, and if I can get my rear in gear I'll actually post some real content. I have, as we speak, two "Discovering Wausau," four SWG2L, and two 12Things posts in the works. I also have a trip post that needs pictures. Which is to say, I have nine half-written, real-content posts that I just need to finish so I can stop posting random crap.

Novel idea, eh?

For now, though, you get the crap. Why? Because it's a Friday afternoon, I'm at work, and I'm just killing time until I get some feedback on an equipment estimate I sent off earlier today. Oh, and I'm COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY BRAIN-FRIED. I love vacation, but it sure messes with you the next week.

This weekend will be a mix of relaxation, people-avoidance, and housework. Oh, and shopping -- I'm going to start looking for a TV to replace the 25-year-old, flickering, wood-paneled beast that I got for free five years ago.

The clock is ticking, and boy, am I ready to be out of here.


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