Blips On The Radar
I am tired.
I stayed up too late last night putting together a piece of some-assembly-required furniture (read: came in 150 parts in a box) and it took longer than anticipated.
Then, as has been the case most nights for the last six weeks or so, I couldn’t stay asleep.
Tonight, I experiment and see if I can wrestle myself back into a normal sleeping pattern. It's worked before; I don’t know how well it will work this time. Only one way to find out, really.
As my travel plans for this weekend have been quashed repeatedly, I'll be amusing myself in town instead. Not hard to do -- there's more than enough going on. Thank goodness. And I still need to clean.
August is going to be strange, what with this not-going-anywhere thing. By Labor Day I'll probably be too stir crazy to NOT irritate my friends.