Bah Humbug

Aside from realizing that I'm going to be much poorer in a few days, this is an average week.

Average in that "holy-cow-what's-going-on-here" sort of way.

It's funny. I took a week off and spent my time in a funny half-vacation, sleeping odd hours and doing as little as necessary for the first fourteen hours of every day -- then working my tail off for the remaining ten. It was a lot like school but quite decidedly not a good idea.

Now, a full week plus later, I still can't sleep my "regular" hours and Lord knows that the weather is not cooperating. This morning I woke up to a spectacular, beautiful, but irritating thunderstorm at 2AM. Not appreciated. Tonight? I can't cool off and sleep.

But I must keep trying, because in eight hours I need to be up and on my way to work

Bah humbug. Sometimes being an adult really stinks.


daz said…
that's why i refuse to grow up :-P altho i am starting to get rather bored.

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