T.G.I ... T. Dang.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad it's already Thursday. Sort of. Part of me wishes it were Friday -- except that tomorrow also happens to be E-Train's last regular day here. For that, I really wouldn't object to rewinding a couple of weeks. It's going to be a little sadder around here -- except for the weeks that he's forced to come back, that is.

Tomorrow, I take the Admiral to the airport bright and early in the morning, put in my office time, and then head off to Minneapolis for a Snooty Cultural Weekend with Mia Sorella. Next week, I'm off to Colorado Springs for the 4th of July ... Yay. Summer travel is finally kicking in.

Seems only appropriate -- until this week it didn't really feel like summer.

*Sigh.* For now, I sit in my half-cooled office and write reports. Well, one report really. Not a terribly interesting week.

[Anybody else out there live/work in a place that uses chillers instead of "standard" air conditioners? They pump saturated air out instead of cooled air. While things do get a little cooler, they're not terribly efficient and they lead to odd condensation issues. I'm not a fan -- but then again I moved here from a desert. Humidity is not my friend.]


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