Unlucky Tax Day

Happy tax day!

Or ... something.

I came home to a wireless router malfunctioning and a leak in the ceiling of my bathroom. The conclusions reached: a) after several unsuccessful attempts to get the router working, we will try again tomorrow, and b) M-Kay is now prohibited from using water in her apartment until the handyman can get here tomorrow.

Poor M-Kay. She got the short end of both of those. At least until tomorrow, when they cut into my ceiling and I lose use of my bathroom. Then both ends are the short end.


On top of that, every attempt I've made to make a trip to Russia next month has been thwarted recently. I don't know what's going on, but I'm having a heckuva time getting a visa. It wouldn't be so frustrating if it wasn't for the fact that Danielle will only be there until June anyway, and Anya till September.


On top of that (I'm just going to keep complaining for a moment) I've been thinking far too hard about things lately, leading to not much sleep. The "Perspectives" class yesterday did nothing for my comfort. Granted it's a good uncomfortable, but right now I could go for something more ... settling.

Maybe not. I doubt I'd much like myself if I were in that boat.

Hopefully by the end of the week most of these things will be somewhat ironed out ... Hopefully. In the meantime, there's another SWG2L on the way (tomorrow?), and I'm still wondering about your suggestions for blog topics. Katie & Darren -- thanks for your thought-provoking and amusing suggestions, respectively. When I know what to say ... Well, then you'll know what I have to say.

Have a better night than me, folks.


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