Coffee Mistake

I need to be more careful about when I sleep.

As such, I also need to be more careful about my caffeine consumption.

I don't really recall a point in my life where caffeine had much of an effect on me. It's quite possibly because, for many years, I didn't drink it; until I was about fourteen, we didn't have soda in the house on a regular basis, and I didn't get hooked on coffee until about then.

However, I recently cut back on my Pepsi consumption considerably (from about 120 ounces a week to under 40 -- an odd accomplishment in life) and I drink tea in the morning (which is considerably low on the caffeine scale).

But last night I had a 3-shot Americano when I went to B&N ... at 6PM. Oops.

Long story slightly shorter, my night of relaxation was a good one, but longer than originally intended. I rented a movie (I love Redbox -- $1 per night for whatever movies they have on hand [always new releases] and no need for a membership) and sat down to watch it, only to be interrupted by a few friends who suggested venturing into the, ahem, "Wausau nightlife" for a bit. Got back around ... 1AM? I think. And I was quite decidedly NOT tired.

So I finished the movie ... and a book ... and started another one ... and listened to some music ... and next thing I knew, it was 5AM.

When I finally crashed, I slept till 9:30, which was more than a little irksome ... but I managed to fall back asleep, and next thing I knew it was after noon.


Since then, I've managed to make brunch (recreating one of Pinky's masterpieces -- and I have to say, I did okay) and ... write this blog. Yeah, this isn't what I'd call a productive Saturday.

Lessons learned:
1. No espresso after work. Or perhaps only one shot.
2. "August Rush" is a great movie, and not just because of the presence of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. You should watch it ... or at least those of you who are female should. I doubt the guys would enjoy it as much.
3. Breakfast food is great regardless of the time of day.


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