
From The Irrestible Revolution by Shane Claiborne:

"When the church becomes a place of brokerage rather than an organic community, she ceases to be alive. She ceases to be something we are, the living bride of Christ. The church becomes a distribution center, a place where the poor come to get stuff and the rich come to dump stuff. Both go away satisfied (the rich feel good, the poor get clothed and fed), but no one leaves transformed. No radical new community is formed. And Jesus did not set up a program but modeled a way of living that incarnated the reign of God, a community in which people are reconciled and our debts are forgiven just as we forgive our debtors (all economic words). That reign did not spread through organizational establishments or structural systems. It spread like disease -- through touch, through breath, through life. It spread through people infected by love."



Katie said…
hey I love it!!!! And, so that you are SUPER jealous...I get to see him next week:

Haha and check out my journal soon for updates on some big changes (NO i am not having a baby!!!)

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