Spring Forth!


I love spring. I particularly love it when the first reeeeeeally nice day hits. Which, as luck would have it, would happen to be today.

So naturally, I'm sitting on my computer. Whoops.

Okay, okay. In my defense, I've been moving and cleaning all day ... It's my last weekend to get everything out of my old place (last day of my lease is Monday!) and, naturally, I put off a large chunk of the work until now. Granted I haven't had a truly free weekend since the first one of the month, and I've gotten a lot done since then ... but here we are. I'm still not completely out.

Although very close, thank you.

I've also managed to get groceries and wash Sophie (she downright sparkles now), making this one of the most productive Saturdays I've had all by myself in quite some time. And I'm not done yet ... I need to get back to the old place for my laundry and, ahem, my cell phone (whoops again). And I think I'll take a nice long walk around my old neighborhood. In my Chacos.

Yes. Today is a happy day.


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