I'm Back!

Back online, back online (insert happy dance here) ...

That's right, folks, I'm back to using my own computer in the comfort of my own ... living room. Until the girl upstairs gets her butt -- and wireless router -- down here, that is. Then the compy will once again be exiled to my office/tiny spare bedroom.

Still loving the new place ... It's such a step up from my cookie-cutter apartment that I can't help but be happy sitting here. Even though it's also much quieter (let's face it, I'm not a quiet person) and I'm currently lacking in anyone with which to talk.

Which is funny, because I just spent two hours in the company of plenty of people. Wausau Young Professionals had their monthly shindig, which Stuart, Mariah and I ended up attending. Maybe it's my general dislike for yuppies, but my heart wasn't in it tonight. Oh well.

Actually, for now I'll blame it on a weird form of homesickness, combined with my new addiction to this blog. How I long for a cowboy ...

Yeah. Those are words I never expected to hear from myself. Emilie would be so proud.


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