
It's interesting. Home is not a relaxing place for me right now ... It hasn’t been since I moved. I'm unpacking, or cleaning, or cooking, or entertaining almost constantly. I'm thinking about what I have left at my old apartment (not much) or what I'm still missing (slightly more) or what's going on the next weekend (lots) or the next day at work (egads).

Home is where I should be able to defrag, but for the last three weeks it has been the last place in the world that I can do just that.

This next weekend I'll be headed west again which will be even less relaxing. Easter weekend is a spectacular weekend, but it is anything but slow. Granted, this year will likely be easier than last year (I'll hopefully be getting home considerably earlier on Friday and we don't already have ten hours' worth of plans for Saturday), but I haven't had a relaxing Easter break since middle school. Suppose that's a consequence of feeding 200 (plus) people very early in the morning. (Doesn't seem to matter that this is how I earned a living for three years ... Easter breakfast is more taxing.)

The point of all this is that work has become the only place where I can relax.

Twisted, eh?

That's not to say that I'm kicking my feet up on my desk to take a nap. (If only.) It is, however, where I can take a five-minute break and let my mind concentrate on a song instead of a spreadsheet, or type out a quick blog (email-to-blog is amazing). I can actually ponder things outside the chemical engineering world while my laptop grinds away at a handful of interwoven macros or updates its virus software.

Now I just need to learn to use those two- or three-minute portions on something besides the planning that I'm doing outside of work anyway.

Have a good week, folks.


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