Transition ... Again

Wow, I've been posting more than usual these last few days. (Are you keeping up, Matt?)

Started packing. Not terribly quickly yet ... but that's okay. Just gotta get the big stuff moved next weekend, right? I mean, I have all of March.

Suuuure. Except I know how I operate. Whatever I don't get done next weekend will sit (and sit and sit and sit) until the last week, when I suddenly panic and realize I need to be out of my old place NOW. And then I won't have any weekends to do it.

Welcome to Moving With Ashley.

It's funny. I started thinking about it, and aside from the usual college-related moves, five of the authors of blogs I read -- Brandon, both Katies, Paul J, and Megan -- have moved recently or are currently relocating. Which means most of you feel my pain.

Strangely comforting.

My library. The first thing I (very reluctantly) packed.


Stickman said…
I do feel your pain. However, the pain fades and the feeling when the move is completed is one of accomplishment.
Keep your chin up!

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