Staring Forward, Glassy-Eyed And In Ashleyland

Well. Here we are.

It's 2008.

This is a time for reflection. Remembrance. And most of all, looking to the future. And who am I to get in the way of the norm?

I think I remember the first time I thought about this particular year. It was my freshman year in high school, and it was during the careers class we had to take with health and P.E. ... That would make it roughly March of 1999.

In any case, we were "mapping" what we wanted to do after high school. At that point in time, my plan looked something like:

College: secondary education, August 2002 - May 2006
Peace Corps, June 2006 - June 2008
Grad School: English or biology, August 2008 - May 2010

Oh yeah. I had it all planned out.

I suppose this goes to show that, when you're 14, you probably don't have much of an idea of what your life will entail, particularly when you're planning for something that won't even start for 3 years. [And, interestingly enough, even then My Plan didn't follow The Plan, which would include a husband in roughly June of 2006. I'm strangely comforted by that.]

2007 was a good year. My first time truly On My Own. My first time (in my memory) actually living outside SoDak. My first real paycheck (soon to be followed by my first real time to file my taxes -- ugh). I've made a life for myself in the middle of this snowy forest ... and I like it.

There are, of course, things that could use some adjustment. My housekeeping skills, for instance, have only marginally improved. And I, like so many Americans, need to get a little more physical exercise. But for the most part, life is very good.

As I said on the 31st, what I really need is focus. And if I can figure that one out ... Well, let's just say it'll be interesting.

Despite it's rather twisted start (my work computer might be working, but the embarrassment of the whole scenario will probably last awhile longer), I'm still hopeful for 2008.

Maybe I should start by tackling that reading list ... Hmm ...

Because I'm thinking about
A brand new hope
The one I've never known
Cause now I know
It's all that I wanted
-"Macy's Day Parade," Green Day


Anonymous said…
I must say being in the real world sucks some days and is ubber fun others. I too am glad that you are not married yet. This sounds a bit creepy but it is just me... your family friendly 1875 druggist :)

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