'Twas The Weekend Before Thanksgiving ...

Holy holiday rush, Batman.

The Season is in full swing and nowhere is that more apparent than the mall. Any mall. Every mall. Even the Wausau City Center Mall, which is admittedly the smallest mall of all the malls contained in cities in which I've lived.

Particularly at nine o'clock this morning. I suppose all those early bird specials are there for a reason ... I was there because I had already been awake for several hours and was antsy to get my shopping done.

Anyway, everybody and her kid sister (particularly the kid sisters) were out shopping today, myself included. I hope for most people's sake that they all had better luck than I did -- not to say I was completely unlucky, but I certainly didn't finish my Christmas shopping. Seems I might have to do some more crafty Internet shopping this year than expected.

In any case, Thanksgiving's coming up fast, and I'm pretty psyched. First because Thanksgiving is a spectacularly awesome holiday (I heart turkey), second because it means I have two days off and get to take a trip home, third because family will be visiting (including my incredible grandparents), fourth because it's a gingerbread-house-building year, and fifth because a few friends will be in the SuFu area that I wouldn't otherwise get to see. (Namely Matt, who is actually from Oregon, and Ashli, who now lives in Kansas.)

Well ... Hopefully I'll catch Ashli ...

It will likely be a wild and crazy weekend and come Monday I'll be exhausted, but you know what? It will be totally worth it.

Have a great week, folks!


daz said…
i wanna head to sufu this week now, but can't 'cause of work :(

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