
They say scent is one of the strongest memory triggers. I believe it if only because it's always been extremely true for me. In the last couple of days there have been some random trips down memory lane, chiefly about things I haven't thought about in years.

For instance, yesterday at work I got my usual Friday popcorn. (We have popcorn every Friday at the office -- carnival-style bags.) And suddenly I was at a football game my senior year of high school.

I don't do much thinking about high school anymore, but that memory was a happy one. My senior year was my one truly good year in Lennox ... I even went so far as to go to almost every football game (something I had never done before and didn't do in college). Maybe it was because it was my last year; maybe it was because my friends were going. I think a lot of it had to do with a feeling of independence that started when I realized I could go to the away games.

This morning, I stepped out onto my deck to put out a plant that desperately needed some sun and WHAM! I was now about 7 years old and living on the west side of Sioux Falls. I had just gotten done playing in the sprinkler with my sister and the boys from across the street, and Mom was frustrated with me for sitting on the couch in my wet clothes. But I didn't care, because I knew there was Kool-Aid in the fridge and she didn't really want Dad to drink it all.

I haven't thought about my life as a "city kid" in quite some time, but it's not terribly shocking that it would occur to me now. This is the first time I've had a moderately permanent place on a standard city street since fourth grade, when we moved to the more "rural" area of eastern SoDak. I say "rural" because I've seen true Rural since then, but there was a large amount of culture shock when we suddenly lived so much further from everything. And let me tell you, farm kids are considerably different than urban residential kids.

This afternoon, I walked into Barnes & Noble. Now, it's not rare for B&N to trigger something (it's the smell of books and coffee -- it's a happy smell), but today I was suddenly remembering my first day working in the library my sophomore year of high school. Despite my strange fear of the librarian (she was a little intimidating at times!), I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Instead of spending my study hall time amused only by other people goofing around, I got to spend it with books. And a slightly irritating but amusing dude from the grade above me who, I admit, brought out the super-shy Ashley for a couple of weeks before I realized I could tease him just as easily as he teased me. Yep, those were the days when I was still afraid of boys. Glad I got over that one -- for the most part.

I suppose my recent trip home for LifeLight (ha! Still not posting about that one! Maybe tonight or sometime tomorrow) could account for the ease in which I'm remembering my B.C. life (Before College). Or maybe I just have more time on my hands. Whatever it is, I'm thankful for it ... It's easy to forget about life before Tea, or that there WERE good things about high school. And when a person forgets her own past? That's just sad.


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