My Apartment

Okay. This is the last post today, I swear. I haven't posted any pictures of my apartment, and I suddenly had the urge. So ... here's my wine wall ... Some pictures, my awesome rocking chair ... A window to the kitchen ... Um ... yeah. There you go.

Oh. And before anybody wonders, I bought those flowers for myself.

My apartment is very beige. Obsessively so. The walls are beige, the counters are beige, the carpet is "light brown" ... Egads. I mean, it's better than being surrounded by white (nothing like feeling like you live in an asylum), but it doesn't give you much to work with.

Maybe I'm just too colorful. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Now, this next picture is just to prove a point. Those of you who don't know me are probably thinking, "Wow, that's an ugly couch." The people who do know me aren't saying anything because they're unconscious.

That's right! It's clean! At least, clean enough to invite people over.

I still need to replace that beautiful camp chair, though ... yeah. And finish cleaning my office (it's cool -- I've got a map wall) ... And maybe I should get a couch cover. (My quilt is nice, but the couch still manages to clash a bit.)

Maybe someday I'll have non-particle-board furniture. That'd be kind of cool too.

So there's my apartment, or part of it anyway. The kitchen is just a kitchen -- nice, but nothing particularly different or spectacular. And I'm not sleep-deprived enough to post pictures of my bathroom. (You're welcome.)

I think I'm done for tonight. Bye.


Anonymous said…
Awesome - someday I want an apt. as cool as your's - That wine rack is wicked cool and I see me on the wall which makes me feel all *fuzzy* in side :) awww...
Cap'n said…
I see the wine rack I made for you works, even though it is somewhat large...sorry about that.

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