
The psychosis continues!

I actually AM doing a little shift work this week ... Yesterday was a fairly normal day at the office. Today, I didn't come in till a little after noon, kicked off with a process department meeting, then went to the pilot plant to be their Bucket Man (er, Bucket Woman) for the afternoon/evening shift. I got home about half an hour ago. Tomorrow, I'll be in my cube most of the day, but Thursday it's another shift. And I have no idea what's going on Friday. Funny how that works.

In other news -- drumroll please -- I bought a car! Yep, that's right. Lou the Flying Jeep has officially been replaced. Sad, I know, but he's had a good life with me and he gets to live out his retirement years in a quieter, gentler fashion. No more 5 hour road trips for him, and odds are he won't have to move a college student again. And my brother gets "his" car back, which probably makes him happy (because Isabella, the car I'm currently driving, is much quieter than Lou and gets twice the gas mileage).

It's a blue Ford Fusion, and it's ... new. Before anybody lectures me on buying new cars, let me tell you that as a Siemens employee, I get a massive discount on new Fords -- I'm actually paying less for my '07 than I would for a used '06. It's nice ... I feel like I'm beating the system. Definitely takes the sting out of depreciation. Plus I get the nice warranty, which ... well, this is me we're talking about. While I haven't been responsible for any major accidents, I seem to end up with the randomly flawed items. (I'm really hoping my car doesn't fall into that category.)

Well ... there we have it. I'm still willing to take questions (anything!). I'm hoping to answer the, um, TWO that I've gotten on a blog in the next week or so, but I'd love to get a few more first.

In the meantime ... What is your favorite brand of snack food?


Anonymous said…

Congrats on the new car. I'll spare your the Ford talk...but actually Ford has done much better this year on their cars (even some awards).

I also just got a new cheers! Oh, and my favorite snack food would have to be cheez-its!


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