Mildly Insomnial

The question for the day is ... what do you do when you can't sleep?

I almost always end up on the computer. I can't really say why ... I suppose it's because a computer matches my attention span, especially late at night. There are a million different things to do here (unlike watching TV), and nothing requires too much concentration (unlike reading). On nights like tonight, when I can't seem to quiet my brain down and my apartment is just a little too warm anyway, staring blankly at a screen seems to help.

Maybe I'm a nerd. Maybe I'm a child of the computer age. Maybe I'm just another standard, normal American. (Technically I'm all of those.)

Let's see ... The psychotic week is over ... I spent some quality time in the pilot plant, threw off my normal sleep schedule (probably why I'm still up now), and got a new car. Yesterday I went for a nice long drive up by Rhinelander (60ish miles north-northeast of here) and had some bonding time with Sophie (the car). Today I did some necessary shopping and relaxed at the park, where I had a short conversation with a very nice older woman named Marge who borrowed my pen. Good story.

This week, my boss is out of town, which means ... well, very little, actually. The project I'm working with him on is fairly quiet right now. I'll be keeping busy with everything else, particularly since -- drumroll please -- on Friday I'm going on vacation! Real vacation! To Sioux Falls Friday night, out to my grandparents' place on Saturday, to Storm on Sunday ... and then rewinding and driving all the way back on Wednesday. Sophie's first road trip.

I'm all sorts of excited about this one. I haven't been out to Storm since ... November?! It's been awhile. Given that it's one of my top five favorite places in the world (my grandparents' ranch is another one of those), I'm pretty psyched to be headed back. The added bonus of the 3rd of July at Mt. Rushmore beefs things up a bit, too. (That's not a typo. That's when they do their day of entertainment and massive fireworks display.)

And on top of all that my aunt, uncle and cousins from Houston will be visiting my grandparents for the holiday. Haven't seen them in a rather long time, either. Very exciting.

Yay for vacation!


Unknown said…
Enjoy the vacation, child of the computer age
Anonymous said…
The name of your car amuses me. Enjoy vacation!
Unknown said…
oh, that was me by the way...Justin

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